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IFMR GSB at Krea University Welcomes New MBA Cohort at Prarambh 2024

IFMR GSB at Krea University Welcomes New MBA Cohort at Prarambh 2024

The IFMR Graduate School of Business (GSB) at Krea University celebrated the arrival of its latest MBA cohort with the commencement of Prarambh 2024, an engaging orientation program running from July 3rd to 7th. The event features dynamic sessions led by esteemed leaders, faculty, staff, and students.

Prarambh 2024 marks a significant academic and social welcome for over 250 new students from 22 states across India, all selected through a comprehensive admissions process tailored to diverse candidates.

Chief Guest Divakar Jain, Leader of Risk & Financial Advisory at Deloitte, US-India Office, addressed the students during the inaugural ceremony. He shared valuable insights from his extensive two-decade professional journey, underscoring the importance of agility and the continuous cycle of learning and unlearning. He encouraged the students with the mantra of the three Cs: “Courage, creativity, and communication - have the courage to speak up, embrace creativity in the face of technological advancements, and communicate truthfully and directly.”

Professor Lakshmi Kumar, Dean of IFMR GSB, welcomed the students by highlighting the program's professional nature, aimed at imparting essential knowledge and skills for employability. She urged students to explore different fields in their first year, assuring them of the faculty’s support in guiding their choices.

Professor Madhuri Saripalle, Chairperson of the MBA Programme at IFMR GSB, echoed the sentiment of embarking on a transformative journey. She emphasised the interdisciplinary curriculum designed to equip students with a broad spectrum of skills and knowledge, preparing them for the complexities of the professional world.

The IFMR GSB community is excited to support and nurture the new cohort as they begin their academic and professional journeys at Krea University.



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