ASBL NSL Infratech

Mr C Shekar Reddy Appointed as Secretary General of Hyderabad City Security Council

Mr C Shekar Reddy Appointed as Secretary General of Hyderabad City Security Council

Mr C Shekar Reddy has been appointed as Secretary General of Hyderabad City Security Council (HCSC) by Shri K Srinivasa Reddy IPS, Honourable Chairman, HCSC and Commissioner Of Police, Hyderabad.

About HCSC:

* ⁠The Chairman of the council shall be the Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad Police Commissionerate. The convenor of the various forums will be the Jt. Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad Police Commissionerate.

* The Office bearers and Executive committee members have all been drawn from various business establishments, Government departs like GHMC, Labour, Industries, Education and Health.

Vision Of HCSC:

* “We strive to make Hyderabad a safe and secure city to support its endeavour to become a world class IT destination through implementing proactive and preventative initiatives, excellence in surveillance techniques adopting the latest technology and tools, partnering with and educating all stakeholders and facilitate effective participation of all concerned. The areas of focus are: Personal safety, particularly Women safety, IT infrastructure safety, Traffic safety, Cyber safety, Information security and Business continuity from a public infrastructure standpoint”.

* This vision may not be achieved completely unless all stake holders collaborate with the police and Government at large to address the various safety and security issues our society faces today. HCSC will be reaching out to all stake holders in all zones of Hyderabad city Commissionerate soon to mobilise membership to the council to make this a grand success and looks forward to the support of everyone.


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