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TPAD conducts its 13th Blood Drive in Dallas

TPAD conducts its 13th Blood Drive in Dallas

Following their tradition, Telangana People’s Association of Dallas(TPAD)  kick started their annual activities with blood drive. In the past decade, every year since its formation, TPAD has been conducting blood drives. For the past 3 years, TPAD has been conducting blood drives twice a year and this was its 13th blood drive.
The Blood Drive and Food Drive have been the core of their community service activities and they have been putting more into community service balancing with their cultural activities. The fact that they not only maintained consistency and increased their community service activities, tells a lot about their mission to give back to the community.

Over the past 12 blood drives, TPAD helped save more than 1500 lives from blood collected from donors in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metro area.

In recognition of this contribution and for having saved above 1000 lives in 11 blood drives, Carter Blood care recognized and names TPAD as “Community Champion” in DFW Metro area.

Like every year since 2014, this year’s blood drive was conducted in the premises of a local IT company office “IT Spin” as blood donors need space to rest before and after the blood draw and “IT Spin” has allowed TPAD and Carter Blood Care to use their premises.

According to TPAD and Carter blood care, who conducted the blood drive, confirmed that they have collected 49 Pints of blood, with each Pint saving 3 lives, the blood drive by TPAD helped save 147 lives.

The 49 pints of blood collected would fulfill blood demand for high blood demanding medical procedures like 8 heart surgeries or 16 blood transfusions. The blood drive started at 8:00AM and ended at 2:00PM with Carter Blood Care crew drawing blood using two buses.

TPAD has provided breakfast and lunch to all the blood donors and TPAD volunteers, who encouraged and brought donors from the local communities in Frisco, Allen, McKinney, Prosper, Plano, Irving and Coppell.

The blood drive was coordinated by Shiva Kodithyala, and guided by Janaki Ram Mandadi(FC Chair), Roopa Kannayyagari(President), Buchi Reddy Goli(BOT Chair), and Ravikanth Mamidi(Coordinator) and supported by entire TPAD. Student volunteers from local schools have helped the blood draw event in registration and guiding donors with questionnaire.

TPAD team said, without the support of the donors, it would not have been able to make the blood drives as successful as it has been and expressed gratitude for the blood donors for taking their time and donating blood.

TPAD team said, it is thankful to the management of “IT Spin” for providing Parking and other mandatory facilities for the blood drive.

TPAD leadership and volunteers said TPAD is committed to conduct community service activities and helping the local communities.


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