ASBL Koncept Ambience

Advertise with Telugu Times

Reach the affluent, dynamic Non Resident Telugu community in USA through Telugu Times.

Telugu Times, being recognized as the first and only print media tool available to reach NR Telugu community residing in North America, is naturally the Advertisers’ first choice many a time. Telugu Times, though being operated in a free copy market , has been surviving and growing because of the support of the advertisers.

Advertisers from India/USA consider advertising in Telugu Times as it reaches out to the vibrant and affluent Non Resident Telugu community. With over 10000 copies print run till March 2020, Telugu Times used to reach approximately equal number homes and has a readership of 1 lakh Telugus. Telugu Times also started Paper ( and has reach of over 40000 Telugu families. However, Telugu Times print edition in San Francisco was stopped from April 2020 because of Covid and lockdown situation. As percentage of people for Online version is steadily growing during the last few years and Telugu Times moved into complete switch over to Online edition post covid situation also.

Telugu Times offers several value added services like getting the translation done, designs made, and copy/concept developed for any Advertiser if need be. Telugu Times has an office in Hyderabad with marketing team and designing team functioning.

Telugu Times has a good advertiser clientele list like Dishnet, Direct TV, Western Union, Incredible India, Jet Airways, ATA, TANA, IAFC, others from USA, Govt. of India, Govt. of AP, Andhra Bank, ICICI, SBI, SBH, Karur Vysya Bank etc. from Hyderabad. In fact, Telugu Times is also the choice of the media vehicle for Real Estate companies in Hyderabad/AP.

Telugu Times has Offices in California, USA and Hyderabad, India and Bank Accounts in both places for the convenience of Advertisers in both sides.

Telugu Times has also very cost effective and requirement based Advertising options suiting every need of the clientele.

For Advertising in Telugu Times Print or Online editions, please reach us: